Male Fertility Sperm Protein (SP10) Rapid Test Kit

Male Fertility Sperm Protein (SP10) Rapid Test Kit

  • Brand:Synthgene
  • Product Code:YS00604001HK
  • Ships in:1-2 days

  • $6.50

  • Biomarker-Based (SP10 Protein) Approach
  • Fast & Reliable
  • No Blood Required

SP10 sperm concentration testing is a specialized diagnostic test that measures the concentration of sperm in a semen sample. The SP10 test targets a specific sperm-specific protein called SP10 (also known as acrosomal vesicle protein 1), which is located in the acrosome of the sperm. This test is to be used for assessing sperm quality and quantity.

Key Features of SP10 Sperm Concentration Testing:

  1. Biomarker-Based Approach:
    The test uses SP10 protein as a biomarker to identify and quantify sperm cells accurately. This can provide a more targeted analysis compared to traditional sperm counting methods.
  2. Accuracy and Specificity:
    Since SP10 is specific to sperm cells, the test can help distinguish sperm from other cells or debris in the semen sample, reducing the risk of false positives or overestimation of sperm count.
  3. Applications in Fertility Assessments:
    The SP10 test can be particularly useful in cases of low sperm concentration (oligozoospermia) or other male infertility conditions where traditional methods might be inconclusive.
  4. Technology Used:
    Colloidal Gold Method is used to detect and quantify SP10 protein in sperm cells.

If you're considering or planning to undergo an SP10 sperm concentration test, it’s advisable to consult with a fertility specialist or laboratory professional for proper preparation and interpretation of results.